The Department of History and Tourism has grown over the period in leaps and bounds. Since its inception in 1962, many dedicated and committed sisters and lecturers have been actively associated with the department teaching History, imparting sound knowledge and moulding the character of the students. this has helped to bring forth a positive change in the outlook and life of many of our students.
The department is indebted to the untiring and selfless efforts of all the pioneering lecturers. We especially acknowledge the services of Sr. Sylvester, Sr. Jeyam Subramanyam, former Principal (1979-1987) and an inspiring teacher, skilled at interspersing her teaching with relevant and thought provoking incidents and anecdotes. The fervent, knowledgeable and patient teaching of Sr. Alberta has added value to the department. many a student were touched by her teaching and also the values that were taught through her lectures. She has left the Department to continue her service among the fisher-women of Odisha and has contributed significantly with her meritorious among the downtrodden. We really feel very happy and proud to have such instructors and we salute all their noble endeavours.
The other pioneers include Mrs.G.Leelavathi , a committed and a guiding force, who served the college as a lecturer and the Head of the Department of History, Mrs. Arogyamma, a very versatile, dedicated senior lecturer and Mrs.P.Mary Ratnam, a woman of noble intentions and spiritual outlook, served the institution as the lecturer and the Head of the Department from 2001-2006. The teaching services rendered by Mrs M.J. Brijithamma add value to the department. Mr V.V. Ramana, a senior lecturer who retired in June, 2017, has contributed much in reaching out to the students through his teaching and mentoring. They have all guided, inspired and moulded the students through their vast knowledge and experience. The trend and the standards set by our seniors are being followed. There is a continuous effort to 'make it better' by updating our knowledge, resources and by taking advantage of the excellent infrastructure and the latest modern teaching aids that are made available to the staff.
By promoting knowledge and ethics along with sound instruction, we are making every possible effort to teach History in all its diversity and globalization. The enthusiastic support by my colleagues in this endeavour is to be appreciated. Reaching out to the students and trying to make a difference in their lives is an on-going journey and we hope to make a positive impact facing challenges.
- Dr. Mrs.G. Beulah Pearl Sunanda
Head of the Department.
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